From the Kittitas County Public Health Department
Kittitas County, WA – 03/07/2020 – “The Kittitas County Public Health Department (KCPHD) has been notified of a positive COVID-19 test result. Patient is stable and in isolation.
“The patient is female, 67 years old, Kittitas County resident, and was seen at a local clinic. The patient is currently in home isolation with her spouse. The test results are a presumptive positive from the University of Washington, which means there will still be confirmatory testing completed at the Washington State Department of Health (DOH). Healthcare providers who had contact with the patient are being asked to self-isolate at this time.
“KCPHD is working closely with our healthcare partners and community members to begin our investigation with close contacts. Close contacts will be notified immediately by KCPHD.
“The recommendations are remaining the same, but most likely will change soon. Please take the following precautions. We will notify the public, immediately, of any changes.
- “Wash hands often with soap and water. If that is not available, use hand sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
- Avoid contact with people who are sick.
- Stay home while you are sick.
- Cover your cough.
“Please use vetted sources of information: Washington State Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Kittitas County Public Health.”