Groomer: Nick Whitman –
2/21 Groomed from Manastash Staging area up 3100 and up & back Barber Springs. Continued up 3100 to Quartz Mtn. Then down to 3120, 3330 to 3300 and Taneum Snopark. Back 3330 to Tamarack Springs and LT Murry Loop down 3111 to Manastash. Also did upper parts of Shadow Creek and Walter Springs.
From Woods & Steele Staging area up the 4510 to 111. Down and back 3350. Around Peoh Pt Loop and Taneum/Osborne Loop. Dropped to West Gate Clear cut and then went to Upper Gate Sky Meadows. Went out 3352 to 119 to 3300 to 114 to 4510 returning to Woods & Steele.
3 inches new at top of 4510. Heavy Trace at Sky Meadows.
Think snow…