New I-90 Snoqualmie Pass Bridges gets green light-will replace snowshed-front page-photo
Easton HS Archery Team places third at state-On target for nationals-page B6-photos
South Cle Elum-Sowers resigns from council after five years-front page
Pioneer Days celebration will continue-Shift in management, shift in model-page A2
Bill introduced to ensure cabin fees remail fair and affordable-Cabin Fee Act of 2013-front page
- NKC TRIBUNE named City of Roslyn ‘Official Newspaper’
- Swauk Teanaway Grange gets ‘quilted’ into tour program
- Roslyn rumble capped with taser gun
- Wye Park site a no-go for youth recreation and swim center
- Frankly speaking-Nutrition, My Way, Every Day…in My Cafe
- Letter-It would not be right to allow this Processing Facility to be located in Kittitas County-Bryan Clifton-Bellevue/Sunlight Waters
- Letter-Do we need this garbage facility?-Violet Burke-Cle Elum
- Question of the week voting results on “Which of the following wild species have you seen in the Upper County?”
- New Question of the Week-“Would the Cabin Fee Act of 2013 impact your property?”
- Hats Off-Magnificient Marimbas-Larry School-Cle Elum
- Archers Shoot for Nationals-Katie Brinkerhoff-Thorp
- Back Country Horsemen hold 2013 rendezvous
- Former Ronald resident, pilot, beautician and Old N. 3 owner displays quilt
- Makinaw tourney coming
- Sons of Italy Installs officers
- Cancer survivor Nathan Lunstad nominated for national award
- Cabin fever cured at Brick’s Spittoon Race
- Project CAT mentor back in town, this time for wolves and a new home
- Whzzz…click…whirrrr…Look Out! It’s the Thorp Robots!
- Student Art Walk this Saturday, March 23
- Cle Elum community Garden to kickoff planting season this weekend
- Clever alternatives to traditional dyed Easter eggs
- ARRF Doggie Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday
- Easton Easter Egg Hunt changes locations
- Upper Kittitas County Easter Egg Hunts drop on March 30
- Fruition of a multi-generation dream-Owens Meats expands retail store
- Working mom finds niche for her passion in home-based business
- Bill would allow TV reception districts to expand tax exemptions
- Coach Iacolucci optimistic for 2013 season
- Rodeo Princess reads at Cle Elum Elementary’s Dr. Seuss Night
- CERHS Athlete of the Week-Ashleigh Fraser
- Hometown boy 323 days to bid for gold at Russian Winter Olympics
- Wrestlers place at Ephrata Tourney
- Easton Student of the week: Citlaly Alcala
- Sweeps and homers at White Swan and Riverview give Warriors 6-0 start
- Back on the diamond-Seth Reynolds
- Cle Elum 76ers are Undefeated
- Cle Elum Fire takes First Place