The life of a Military Wife-with Fran Divelbiss-front page-photo.
Memorial Day ceremony at Cle Elum cemetery, May 26-organized by VFW Post 1373-front page.
This weekend packed for fun-Memorial Day weekend in Upper Kittitas County-front page.
Puget Sound Energy blitzes County Business-offering energy efficiency programs-front page.
Support the Roslyn Cemetery this weekend-Heritage Club hosts Cemetery Fundraiser- page B3.
- Memorial weekend meteor shower.
- Spring recreation still thawing ot.
- Vantage boat ramp and Wanapum State Park still closed.
- Horse Park expecting 260 horses for historic national sanctioned 3-event competition this weekend.
- Yakima River Assessment meeting tonight at 6:30 p.m.
- Pine Loch Sun to stage fire drill and evacuation.
- Human remains identified.
- Washington’s Most Wanted honors Kittitas Co. Deputy.
- Two Cle Elum residents rescued from Cle Elum River.
- New chairlift to be built.
- New Horse Park Operations Manager hired.
- Martin breaks ground on new park.
- Roslyn logging to promote forest health.
- Controlled structure burn draws attention to need to Firewise.
- ‘Click or Ticket’ Patrols take place through June 1.
- Local scam of the Week: We’re going to shut your power off.
- Five things you need to know about recent developments in Kittitas County government.
- Many races uncontested this election year.
- Frankly Speaking-Something smells in Upper County…in a good way!
- Letter-Warrior owls-transition idea-Gene Hicks, Renton, WA.
- Forest Supervisor discusses ATV use on the Okanogen-Wenatchee National Forest-Michael Balboni.
- House Bill would provide students with less healthy food-Tom Vilsack, United States Secretary of Agriculture.
- Water Resources Reform Act passes in the House Tuesday-Dave Reichert, US Representative Washington’s 8th Congressional District.
- Celebrating National EMS Week in the Upper County.
- Question of the Week-“The county’s got nearly $5M from the state to improve Teanaway Road. If the work is completed for less, what should the county do with dollars not spent?”
- Fashions Bloom at Centennial Center Spring Tea.
- NWI Building renovation may complete this weekend.
- Sled dogs at Spring Fling.
- 4-H Bread Baking Contest participants rise to the top.
- Roths celebrate 70 years of marriage.
- Take a Trib Around the World with Dan Hudson to England.
- Relay For Life spirit is gaining momentum.
- Thorp Mill Dinner and Auction this Saturday.
- Local Master Gardeners offering plants from their own plots to fund plant diagnostic clinics.
- Reserve deputies graduate.
Sports & Schools:
- Fraser nabs two firsts at sub districts.
- Warrior baseball wraps at the wrong end of a one-two punch.
- CERHS Athlete of the Week-Quinton Peppin.
- CERHS Student of the Week-Jacqueline Baunsgard.
- Cle Elum-Roslyn fastpitchers look for payback in Round One.