KITTITAS – The Prestige Post-Acute and Rehab Center (Prestige Post-Acute) is clear of a COVID-19 outbreak. There are currently no active cases and the last positive test was on July 30th, 2020. The Prestige Post-Acute team including nurses, nursing aids, housekeepers, and dietary staff have worked diligently to contain and stop the outbreak.
After avoiding COVID-19 for months, Prestige Post-Acute was notified in early July of two staff members who tested positive for COVID-19. Following the initial positive tests, numerous additional staff and residents tested positive for COVID-19. As a result, the facility implemented policies and infection control procedures to respond to COVID-19.
Implementation of policies and procedures included immediately isolating residents in order to limit the spread of infection, personal protective equipment worn by everyone to include N95 masks and face shields, increased cleaning of high touch areas, and continued education for the employees. The facility worked closely with the Kittitas County Incident Management Team, including close communication between the facility’s Medical Director and the County Health Officer.
Prestige Post-Acute will resume admitting new patients and will continue their diligence in response to COVID-19. All new admissions will be quarantined for two weeks and monitored for any signs of COVID-like illness during the quarantine period, in addition to careful screening of staff members.
Administrator Ed Morache stated, “We are excited to put this chapter behind us and get patients feeling back to normal. We have been able to get almost everyone back to their original rooms and will continue to do everything we can to limit the impact our infection control policies have on our patients, staff and families. We are thankful for all the staff and residents who worked so hard during this evolving situation and for their continued trust and support.”
State restrictions continue to be in place around Long Term Care Facilities, because of the high-risk population. Visitation will continue to be limited, but can now occur outdoors for a limited number of people, as defined by the Safe Start Plan for Long-Term
Care Facilities from the Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) and the Department of Health (DOH). All visits to Prestige Post-Acute must be scheduled in advance by calling (509) 925-4171. During scheduling, the Prestige Post-Acute team will share additional information on their visitor policy requirements. Additional information on the Safe Start Plan for Long-Term Care Facilities can be found at
If you have questions about your health, please contact your healthcare provider or you can call the Temporary COVID Clinic at KVH at 509-933-8850. If you are having a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the Emergency Department at KVH. If you have general questions about COVID-19, please call the EOC at 509-933-8315 or 509-933-8305.
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