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Evacuation Upgrade North of Laurderdale Junction
Incident: Taylor Bridge Fire Wildfire
Released: 4 hrs. ago
Kittitas County Sheriff
Public Service Announcement
8/17/12 Taylor Bridge FirePSA 1430
Kittitas County, WA-08/17/2012 – Evacuation UPGRADE North of Lauderdale Junction.
Evacuation Level 1 North of SR 970 has been upgraded to a Level 2. Areas north of SR 970 include SwaukPrairie, Ley Road, and Hartman Road. Law Enforcement will be in the areacontacting residences.
Areas north of SR 97 to north of China Camp Lane to include Shamrock Lane and Forbes Lane, have now been upgraded to a Level 2 Evacuation.
Areas south from the following line. SR 97, from Bettas Road intersection follow the BPA Powerlineswest to the Hayward Road and SR 10 intersection have been downgraded to a Leve l2 Evacuation.
Read the full public service announcement at Map
1430 PM 8 17 2012.pdf.
ABLAZE-Taylor Bridge Fire consumes 22,600 acres-and still burning-front page-photos, cont. story page A6-8 (please note: a photo of Commissioner of Lands Peter Goldmark was mistakenly identified as Incident Commander Rex Reed on Page A-7. Our sincere apologies for the error and any confusion it may have caused.)
“Buddy Davis” (Tribune Office Cat) lists help options for animals impacted by the wildfire.
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