Notice is hereby given that the Cle Elum City Council will hold a Study Session on Thursday March 31, 2022 from 4:00 pm until 5:30 pm for discussion pertaining to the Draft Mayor/Councilmember Handbook.
The Study Session will be held at the Cle Elum City Hall Council Chambers, 119 West First Street, Cle Elum, WA. 98922 and is open to the public.
Anyone interested in this matter is urged to attend in person or virtually via Zoom.
Join In Person:
Cle Elum Council Chambers
119 W First Street
Cle Elum, WA. 98922
Join Virtually with Zoom:
Meeting ID: 757 318 4018
Passcode: 98922
Join by Phone:
Meeting ID: 757 318 4018
Passcode: 98922
For additional information, please call (509) 674-2262.
Kathi Swanson
City Clerk